Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology, M.Eng. Focus
The primary objective of this area is to achieve a better understanding of the physical processes of fluid motions in the environment. The research philosophy puts equal emphasis on experimental studies, including both laboratory (centered in the DeFrees Hydraulics Laboratory) and field investigations, and the development of analytical solutions and advanced computing techniques.
Current research topics include breaking waves and nearshore processes; wave-structure interactions; tsunamis; air-sea exchange processes; the transport and fate of contaminants in the nearshore environment; lake mixing; transport and circulation; measurement technologies; hydrologic phenomena, such as land surface processes, earth-atmosphere interactions, infiltration, and groundwater.
Past projects have included:
Residence Time Response to Tributary and Lake Ontario Forcing in Blind Sodus Bay
Evaluation of Lake Source Cooling Project
Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology (EFMH) Sample Program
BEE 4730 Watershed Engineering (4 cr.)
BEE 4940 Hydrology in a changing climate (3 cr.)
CEE 6100 Remote Sensing Fundamentals (3 cr.)
CEE 6550 Transport, Mixing, and Transformation in the Environment (3 cr.)
CEE 6020 (SEM 103) Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology Seminar (1 cr.)
CEE 5021 Project in EWRE - Restoration Wetlands/Streams (3 cr.)
Fall Total: 17 credits
BEE 4710 Introduction to Groundwater (3 cr.)
CEE 43501Coastal Engineering -or- CEE 63701Experimental Methods in Fluid Dynamics (4 cr.)
CEE 6320 Hydrology (3 cr.)
BEE 6740 Ecohydrology (3 cr.)
CEE 6021 (SEM 103) Environmental Fluid Mechanics & Hydrology Seminar (1 cr.)
CEE 5022 Project in EWRE - Restoration Wetlands/Streams (3 cr.)
Spring Total: 17 credits Program total 34 credits
For additional information, see:
Making waves in the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Teaching Laboratory