NAE Members

Wilfried Brutsaert
William L. Lewis Professor in Engineering Emeritus
Election Citation: For innovations in the theory of evaporation from natural surfaces into the atmosphere and for its measurement at field scale.
Philip L-F. Liu
Class of 1912 Professor of Engineering Emeritus
Election Citation: For coastal engineering research, education, computer modeling and leadership for tsunami & wave damage.
Daniel P. Loucks
Professor Emeritus
Election Citation: For worldwide leadership in the application of systems analysis to the fields of water resources and environmental engineering.

Thomas O’Rourke
Thomas R. Briggs Professorship in Engineering Emeritus
Election Citation: For inspirational teaching and leadership in geotechnical and earthquake engineering for lifeline utilities.
Christine Shoemaker
Joseph P. Ripley Professor of Engineering Emerita
Election Citation: For development of decision-making optimization algorithms for environmental and water resources problems.
Jery Stedinger
Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering Emeritus
Election Citation: For statistical methods for flood risk assessment and optimization methods for hydropower system management.