Director's Message 2022

Dear Alumni and Friends,
You are amazing! As director of the School, I express on behalf of the students, faculty and staff, our gratitude for your financial support provided to CEE on Giving Day 2022. Times have been challenging the last two years to say the least, and we are forever appreciative of your continued support to assist CEE in teaching the wonderful students we have the pleasure to educate.
In this issue of CEE Update, we announce a new undergraduate concentration in “Smart Cities.” This concentration teaches students, through a new suite of courses, how to integrate a wide array of technologies in the urban environment to improve infrastructure, buildings and to promote sustainability. The feature story provides the what, how and why CEE developed these courses. The future of cities is in integrating technology that improves the quality of life in urban areas. This concentration will teach students how to do that.
In 2021, CEE hired Matt Reiter as a Professor of Practice in structural engineering. Reiter has created a suite of new courses to expand education in structural design and behavior. Among the offerings are courses in masonry and timber, allowing our School to, once again, provide a robust curriculum in this area.
It is always a pleasure to learn about the wonderful activities of our alumni. These stories are inspiring and one even calls for your participation! For the first time ever, we offer you a crossword puzzle to complete. To learn the rest of the story and not have me give it away here, I ask that you give the puzzle a try to “find your aha moment.”
Lastly, as was recently announced by Dean Archer, it is my pleasure to continue on as CEE Director for another three-year term. I look forward to meeting more CEE alumni and you are always welcome to write to me at the email address listed in this publication under “contact us.”
Continue to be safe, and stay in touch.
Linda Nozick
Professor and CEE Director