Members of Cornell’s Geotechnical Lab have won the Wideria Literature Award for best paper published in the American Society Mechanical Engineers Pressure Vessels and Piping Journal.
Members of Cornell’s Geotechnical Lab have won the Wideria Literature Award for best paper published in the American Society Mechanical Engineers Pressure Vessels and Piping Journal. The paper is titled PVCO Pipeline Deformation Under Large Ground Deformations.” Lead author is Brad Wham Ph.D. ’15, with co-authors Christina Argyrou Ph.D. ’18, Professor Thomas O’Rourke and Harry Stewart, and Former Director of Technical Services for the Bovay Lab, Timothy Bond.
Formal presentation of the award will be made during the Honors & Awards Gala at the 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, to be held on Wednesday July 18, 2018.