James John Bisogni
Ph.D. - Cornell University - 1973
Bisogni joined the faculty of the Department of Environmental Engineering in 1972. In 1975 he spent six months at Eastman Kodak as a consultant and process engineer, and in 1982 he was a visiting associate professor of civil engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the New York Water Pollution Control Association, the Association of Environmental Engineering Professors, the International Association on Water Pollution Research.
Research Interests
Bisogni's research focuses primarily on the application of chemical and physical principles to the solution of water and wastewater treatment and water quality issues in natural systems. Recent research has involved water quality control for intensive aquaculture, control of lead and copper in water supply distribution systems and the modeling and development of inorganic carbon, oxygen transfer and ammonia measurements in anaerobic wastewater treatment processes. Biochar absorption of nitrate ammonia, nitrate and phosphate is also being studied
Teaching Interests
Courses taught focus on the physical/chemical processes in treatment processes and in natural aquatic systems.
Service Interests
- Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee - Cornell U Chemical and Radiation Disposal Sites Emergency Response Committee
- College of Engineering Co-Op Advisory Committee
- University Health Careers Evaluation Committee
- College of Engineering Grievance Committee
- Faculty Advisor - Chi Epsilon o Graduate School Assessment Committee
- University Educational Policy Committee
Selected Publications
- 2013."Ammonium, Nitrate and Phosphate Sorption to and Solute Leaching from Biochars Prepared from Corn Stover (Zea mays L.) and Oak Wood (Quercus spp.)."Journal of Environmental Quality42: 137-144. .
- 2011."Impact of Dissolved Organic Matter on Colloid Transport in the Vadose Zone: Deterministic Approximation of Transport Deposition Coefficients from Polymeric Coating Characteristics."Water Research45: 1691-1701. .
- 2009."Modeling of Ammonia Speciation in Anaerobic Digesters."Water research43(17): 4105-4114. .
- 2009."An Engineering Analysis of the Stoichiometry of Autotrophic, Heterotrophic Bacterial Control of Ammonia-Nitrogen in Zero-Exchange Marine Shrimp Production Systems."International Journal of Recirculating Aquaculture10: 63-90. .
- 2007."Using Oxygen Gas Transfer Coefficients to Predict Carbon Dioxide Removal."International Journal of Recirculating Aquaculture8(0): 21-42. .
Selected Awards and Honors
- Daniel M. Lazar Excellence in Teaching Award(College of Engineering)2009
- Outstanding Teaching Recognition Award(The American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Cornell Chapter)1997
- Chi Epsilon Professor of the Year1987
- BS(Civil Engineering),Lehigh University,1968
- MS(Civil Engineering),Cornell University,1970
- Ph D(Civil Engineering),Cornell University,1973