Francis M. Vanek
Senior Lecturer
- Born in Ithaca, NY, 2/12/67
- BA (Asian Studies), Cornell University, 1991
- BE (Mechanical Engineering), Cornell University, 1991
- MS (Systems Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, 1995
- Ph D (Systems Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, 1998
- Faculty of Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1998-2001
- Faculty of Cornell College of Engineering, 2001-present
Research Interests
- Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions from freight transportation systems
- Feasibility of alternative energy systems
- Integration of transportation energy supply and renewable energy systems
Teaching Interests
- Transportation systems
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy
- Green building
- Small-scale solar cooking and baking for developing countries
Service Interests
- Outreach to local schools and community organizations for sustainable energy solutions
- Support for efforts to develop renewable energy, especially solar, wind, and biomass, in Ithaca and Tompkins County
- Support for development of solar cooking especially in Nicaragua and other Central American countries
- Outreach on behalf of Ecovillage at Ithaca community (resident since 2002) to share experience with environmentally friendly technologies on behalf of students and the general public
- Member of energy committee of President Skorton's Committee for a Sustainable Campus, Chair: Prof. Jeff Tester
- Faculty co-advisor with Nadine Porter for Cornell Yoga Club
Selected Publications
- Vanek, Francis, Lou Albright, Lars Angenent, Mike Ellis, Dave Dillard. 2021. Energy Systems Engineering: Evaluation and Implementation - 4th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Vanek, Francis, Lars Angenent, James Banks, Ricardo Daziano, Mark Turnquist. 2014. Sustainable Transportation Systems Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Ingvarsson, Audun , Julien Pestiaux, Francis Vanek. 2011. "A Global Assessment of Hydrogen for Future Automotive Transportation: Projected Energy Requirements and CO2 Emissions." International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 5 (2): 71-90.
- Vanek, Francis, Peter Jackson, Richard Grzybowski. 2008. "Systems Engineering Metrics and Applications in Product Development: A Critical Literature Review and Agenda for Further Research." Systems Engineering 11 (2): 107-124.
- Vanek, Francis, Louis Vogel. 2007. "Clean energy for green buildings: an overview of on- and off-site alternatives." Journal of Green Building 2 (1): pp. 22-36.
- BE (Mechanical Engineering), Cornell University, 1991
- BA (Asian Studies), Cornell University, 1991
- MS (Systems Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, 1995
- Ph D (Systems Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, 1998